If you know anything about high fashion, you know Alexander McQueen, one of the greatest, most artistic visionaries in the fashion industry. The fashion designer, who was only 40 was found dead. Many believe that he may have commited suicide, but the authorities and his publicists have remained mum about it.
His work was extraordinary. Simply astounding. He turned the runway into a stage production that could rival any play or musical. His runway was a complex work that took your breath away and wonder if this man was human or a demigod. His eccentric work inspired so many people, but no one could really make clothes like he did. Nothing was lacking in his art. I strongly believe that the more recent outrageous designs we have been seeing on the runways and even the red carpet was because of him. He did not make clothes. He made art. He opened the fashion world up so that clothes today can have endless possibilties. He gave us the ability to escape from conformity.
But at the pinnacle of his career, he was just...gone. By his own great hand that created masterpeices that should have been beyond the ability of humans. Only nature or himself could bring down his fall. He had every where to go. Every door was open to him in the fashion world.
I imagine that it would be a lot of pressure. Every show would have had to live up to the magic that was the last. His mother had recently died. It would have been lonely there on top of the fashion world. Maybe that was the cause of his early demise. But let's not forget him. Let's celebrate the rest of the month as his month. Let's show our respect and gratitude. Let's honor him.
( The child prodigy that is Tavi has a great post on him)
UPDATE: I have added an Alexander McQueen slideshow on the right side of my page. R.I.P.
UPDATE: Lady Gaga's tribute
It's really moving and made me sob like a little girl.
BUST Magazine October 2014: It Me
10 years ago
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