Valentine's Day is a difficult holiday. It's not like the normal hoidays.
I hate Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day, for starters is segregated. People who aren't in a relationship of some sort are treated like second-class citizens.
Person1: Oh, so you don't have a Valentine. Oh that sucks for you.
Person2: Eh, it's not so bad.
Person1: Poor you. you have to buy chocolate's for yourself.
Person2: Well I always get the kind I like. Hehe.
Person1: You poor, poor soul. All alone on Valentine's Day.
(I wish I had a dollar for every time I had this conversation. Because then I would... actually I wouldn't have that much money. Stupid Valentine's only comes once a year. Ugh.)
It's worse because we are targeted. Single people are targeted by the media. Because, you know, a woman can't find happiness without a big strong man to buy her useless junk. And the men have to find the perfect gift for their partner or they are the scum beneath our feet. Everyone knows that material possesions are the only way to show you care. Right?
The worst part of Valentine's Day is you can't hate it in peace. Being Anti-Valentine used to be so hip. You used to be a complete bada** because you were against the comercialization of love. But that trend ran it's course and being Anti-Valentine is sooo clichèd. What are you, a Scrouge? Of Valentine's?
The worst though is for those newly single. I mean, some of us have been in the biz for a while. But newcomers aren't used to the nostalgic, depressed feelings and constant thoughts of your last relationship and what you could have done to make it last longer.
The worst part is, Valentine's Day doesn't celebrate the mutual feeling of respect and love between people anymore. This is the 21st century. We want to be better than everyone else. Who cares about sissy feelings. Valentine's Day is about making everyone else feel bad because 'you got a Valentine, and they didn't, na nanana na.'
So yes I'm complaining. And yes I hate Valentine's Day. Can you blame me?
BUST Magazine October 2014: It Me
10 years ago
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